
‘We Are . . . . Earth. Solving the Problem Together’ Preview KEW Episode 97: New World View

A lot of people may have an issue with this Episode. I really don’t have a feel for how many people believe we are all connected. KEW Episode 10 focused on the idea of Connectedness, but I don’t know if it is a popular concept. To me it is obvious that we are both individuals and also connected. Call it the dual nature of humans. Or dualism. Or individualism AND communism. Any kind of ism.…

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“Will You Be Remembered as a Good Person?” FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 16: Who Tells Your Story?

This post was inspired by Lin Manuel Miranda and ‘Hamilton’. History is ‘His’ ‘Story. No matter what happens, it is kept alive in memories, writing, and stories. And whomever keeps it alive interprets the story. However, eyewitness testimony, or individual human memory, has been shown to be among the LEAST reliable way to relate things that happen ( However, eyewitness testimony, or individual human memory, has been shown to be among the LEAST reliable way…

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“Are you a winner or a loser?” Preview KEW Episode 95: Cooperation vs Competition

I don’t care much for competition. I grew up bullied by jocks. I never really liked team sports. I was a smart kid, but I didn’t like how the other smart kids competed with each other for grades. When I was learning mandolin, bluegrass musicians welcomed me with open arms. There was no competition among players like I observed in the rock and roll world. Competing always felt bad and not competing felt good. When…

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“It’s Like Lord of the Flies in Here” Preview KEW Episode 93: Good vs Evil

Do you think people are inherently good, or inherently evil? Like, left to our own devices, will we make decisions that are beneficial or harmful to others? I have mentioned the Rutger Bregman book, ‘Humankind: A Hopeful History‘ MANY times now on the podcast and this is my inspiration for this episode. For a summary of the brief story below, read the book or see his article in The Guardian. Spoiler alert, I believe people are…

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“Your Freedom is an Illusion” FLASHBACK! KEW Episode 13: Slavery

Freedom is a popular reason for doing a lot of things in the USA. This may be true in other countries, but I live in the US and that’s what I know. People talk about how war is a fight for freedom. Or that freedom of speech allows racism. And how they want to be free from government rule and intervention. To me, none of this stuff is really about freedom. Or, if it is,…

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“Turn Off Your Analytical Mind” KEW Episode 92: Intuition

Has anyone ever told you to turn off your analytical mind? Or to use your intuition? I’m lucky to have a coach that constantly asks my analytical self to step aside. The space that remains, sans analysis, is incredibly interesting. And I think it’s where intuition lives. In fact, I’d say my idea of intuition was inaccurate. I guess I thought of it like a hunch. Or a tingly spidey sense. I’m not really sure…

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